3 Dental Habits Your Dental Hygienist Wants You to Start in 2023

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dental hygienistOral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people, and in most cases, these diseases can be avoided. Caring for your oral health is crucial if you want to keep your smile looking fresh and healthy.

It’s never too late to start building good habits like seeing a dental hygienist regularly or actually flossing. If you’re looking to invest in yourself and focus on your dental habits, you’ve come to the right place.

Keep reading to learn more about the three dental habits you should start in 2023.

1. Floss Every Day

27% of adults lie about flossing their teeth. Whether you’re a part of this 27% is between you and your dentist, but a great way to start building good dental habits is to start flossing daily.

It’s important to ensure you thoroughly clean between all your teeth and not just the ones that are easy to reach. If you’re struggling with flossing successfully, you can ask your dentist for some recommendations to make the process easier.

You’ll reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease by putting in a tiny effort each day. You’ll also experience fewer cavities in the hard-to-reach places between your teeth.

2. Regularly Visit Your Dental Hygienist

Regular dental cleanings are crucial if you want to protect your dental health. Dental hygienists don’t just make your teeth shine; they remove hard and soft deposits from your teeth that could cause problems later on. You can’t get rid of these deposits by simply brushing your teeth.

Regularly visiting your dental hygienist is one of the best forms of preventative care. Your hygienist will be able to spot issues before they become painful problems, and they can advise you about the best solution.

Your hygienist will also be able to point out any areas you need to take better care of and suggest products that might work better for you and your lifestyle.

3. Use the Full Two Minutes

The easiest way to improve your dental hygiene is to make sure you’re brushing your teeth for the full two minutes. You’re already at the sink and brushing, so you might as well do it properly.

If you’re unsure how long you’re actually brushing, you can use a timer to ensure you spend enough time cleaning your teeth. You can also make it more fun by picking some songs that are two minutes long and playing them while you’re brushing your teeth.

Start These Dental Habits Today

When it comes to building good dental habits, it’s never too late to start. So go ahead and start prioritizing your oral health today! Even if you just visit your dental hygienist to start off with, you’ll be well on your way to securing a healthy smile.

If you’re looking for a dental hygienist, contact us today! At SmileLogic, Inc.,our goal is to provide stellar dental hygiene services to everyone in our local community.

SmileLogic, Inc. has been serving Colorado with first-class dental hygiene services for over 15 years.