Supporting Your Oral Health as the Seasons Change

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Broomfield dental hygienistJust under 25% of Americans visit the dentist once a year. That means over 70% of us aren’t regularly getting our oral health checked. Lack of dentist visits can lead to relatively minor concerns like cavities or more serious issues like oral cancer going undetected.

One way to ensure you remember the importance of oral hygiene in daily life is to schedule your dental appointments around the seasons.

Seasonal cleanings ensure your teeth are seen at least four times a year. Plus, your Broomfield dental hygienist can prioritize issues that typically arise in sprint, summer, fall, or winter.

Read on to learn what to expect mouth-wise every month of the year.

Spring and Summer

Spring and summer are typically a happy time of the year, with summer vacation and sand, surf, and sun. The last thing we’re thinking about is our oral health and general health.

However, the warmer months are rife with hazards, including:

  • Allergy issues, where blocked sinuses cause tooth pain
  • Dehydration, which leads to dry mouth, chapped lips, and summer colds

To guard against these issues, drink plenty of water, stay in the shade, use a humidifier, and exfoliate your lips and tongue. If your symptoms become severe, schedule a check-up.

It’s vital to keep up your oral hygiene routine if you have braces—any time of the year. And it just so happens that summer is a great time to get braces put on! You’ll already be used to them when the festive season rolls around.

Fall and Winter

The cold weather of fall and winter wreaks havoc on our oral care. During the frostier months, you may experience:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Gum recession
  • Tooth stains
  • Dry mouth
  • Seasonal Defective Disorder (SAD)

These result from the colder, drier air, the fact you’re less likely to maintain adequate dental care if your mental health is suffering and drinking hot beverages.

To remedy these ailments, keep your face bundled up in warm scarves and other head coverings, raise the humidity levels in your home, breathe through your nose, keep up a regular brushing routine, and cool your drinks a little before consuming them.

Again, if you experience severe problems, book in to see your local dental hygienist.

A Broomfield Dental Hygienist That Cares About Your Dental Health

All seasons have their challenges when it comes to oral care. Most are the result of the temperature change from warm to cold. Some issues are exacerbated by the presence of pollen or drier air.

Don’t wait until you experience symptoms. Instead, practice preventative care, and schedule regular dental check-ups.

SmileLogic was founded 15 years ago on a promise to provide our clients with friendly, professional service they’ll be delighted with. We offer various dental services, including general and deep cleanings, x-rays, and teeth whitening.

If you’re looking for a new Broomfield dental hygienist,schedule an appointment with us today via our easy online booking system.

SmileLogic, Inc. has been serving Colorado with first-class dental hygiene services for over 15 years.